Tuesday, July 3, 2007

hey everyone!

So, we have now arrived in Belgium. Once again the key board is very different from the US´s, which is ver ver annoying but i will do my best. We spend two days in Amsterdam, filling them with the Van Gogh Museum, The Dam, The red light district, The Ann Frank House ( WHERE I SAW STEVEN TYLER IN PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and of course the pot and shroom shops. So, i know your all dying to hear, STEVEN TYLER is actually a ver ver cool person, hes ver lax and dad actually had a small convo with him in the gents room. We did get some pics and i tried to get one but its all burry cuz i was so excited i couldnt hold the camera still. Anywayz AMsterdam waz ver ver cool, and now i have to go shopping in Belgium.
so, ttyl,