Tuesday, May 3, 2011

happiness within your reach....just reach out and grab it

I didn't think this was going to be this hard. I have school work and work-work and friends to keep me occupied for two weeks or even a month. I keep myself really busy on purpose. I didn't want to get attached to the point of my soul aching. But we never get a choice in that matter. We don't get to be the ones to decide who we fall out of and in love with. I thought I was going to be able to control this, control my yearning for your touch and scent and presence. But I can't. I miss you so much. And I'm starting to think I fell in love with you. That I didn't even realize I was doing it, because it wasn't like this giant leap of faith or anything insane. I just sort of tripped into you, in the way you trip on an uprooted tree root. You're looking down, and you're paying really close attention to where you place your feet so you don't stumble or fall or make a fool of yourself, but the second you look up you lose your balance and trip over the root you hadn't seen because it looked like a stick or a leaf was in the way. It doesn't matter what was there, because you didn't see it, but what you do see is the hand helping you back onto your feet. And you just can't look away. That's what your like; A tree root. And you know how I love trees.