Friday, January 21, 2011

If love were enough

I know this is so illogical and completely out of the blue for me but I hate these mind games I play with myself, and I hate wondering and I just fucking hate not knowing for sure. I don't even know if you still read this anymore and part of me hopes like hell you do, but another part of me is still incredibly wounded and prays you never read this pathetic throwback in my life...but if by chance you do read this and I'm not going crazy and you are speaking to me through your fucking page...please just once say my name so I know it's not someone else you're talking to. And if it isn't please god save me from this humiliation that I'm about to put myself through for absolutely no reason other than I must have seriously lost my mind...and if it's not please don't contact me again because this needs to stop. I need to completely let go of everything; on even the smallest hope. Because right now I'm almost there but if I'm wrong in doing that...wrong in completely letting go them I need you to say something because I can't wait for you any longer.