Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time to believe in the things we don't understand

THIS does not happen a lot. I mean well I get them and she get's them but for us to BOTH be having this huge gut feeling....well it means something is in store. Something Big is in store. I can feel is deep in the pit of my gut and so can she and well...for that to happen, for us BOTH to be having these feeling in the pit of our guts so strong that they almost hurt...well it means it's big, It's coming fast and that it's going to rattle the shit out of some people's worlds. By mean this doesn't happen a lot I mean that it's probably happened about 5 times in our whole lives. This would be 6. Six is an even number...it also means Enlightenment. Or more specifically a light. Lighting a path to spiritual and mental balances. It also beckons us to use compassion and to Consciously choose forgiveness in a situation. I TOLD you we were old souls. It's like not only can I feel it in my gut, but I feel it in my bones, in my mind, in my soul. Time to believe in the human race.