Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is it true that we always want what we can't have? Is that even a fair statement? Does that provide the answers we've been searching hundreds of years for? It may not provide us with all the answers, but it definitely provides us with some. But for me it only increases my questions: If we always want what we can't have how can we ever truly be happy....never mind be happy with what we do indeed have. Will we always be looking for the next best thing? How could someone promise to love you forever if they are always going to search for the next best thing? What is happiness then? It's this thing that we strive for but does it exist? Damn right it does, because I knew it once. I knew what utter and total happiness was for a small part of my life and right now it's gone, but I'm sure as fuck going to get it back. I loved the way it felt and now I want to feel that way again, no matter what the cost.
