Wednesday, August 20, 2008

love. Its something that so many people want. But how many people actually find it? I mean maybe you think you do for a while....but maybe thats like the matrix. Maybe love is our matrix. Its easy to think its real when your in it, but once your not you don't really get why you did in the first place. Its easy to think your in love. Its easy to be "in love". I don't really know what I'm saying. I'm sorta just babbling. Its just that even though i have a sister who has been with this guy since they were juniors in high school and they took breaks and then had what some would call a fairytale ending....they lived "happily ever after" i keep waiting for the "oops, nope, remember, this doesn't really exist. I mean and i know I'm stealing the line from the movie"how to deal", even though i think they stole it out of my diary first, "why do you think they call it FALLING in love anyway?". i just don't believe in love and until someone can prove me wrong i don't know how I'll ever believe in it. But i don't know how you can prove love even exists.