Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's your secret?

I have a secret:

Every time I read something romantical online that I find somewhere where hundreds of people have done it...I hope you wrote it for me.

That I will never know that you wrote it for sure, or maybe someday I'll bring it up and you'll be surprised and tell me that you wrote one for me and it just happened to be the one I liked the best. I know this stuff only happens in the movies or in books, but what if it DID happen in reality?

I know I live in a whole different universe where people find their other half and things aren't perfect, but they're pretty damn close to it. I guess maybe it's because I've always been a little bit like that and I thought I really had found it once...but the thing is I still think it's out there. Maybe you think I'm too old for this type of day dream now...but I don't think that you're ever too old to believe in true love.
Sometimes I find myself day dreaming about my future with you. What our life will be like together...see I'm not one of those simple girls easily made happy with the right wedding dress. I'm easy to please but hard to keep. My best friend said we're the most simple girls on the outside but once you get to our core, you'll either hate us or love us forever.

I'm not looking for someone who's perfect...I'm just looking for someone who thinks my battle scars are beautiful.

Dear world,

I like the idea that somewhere, you're hiding my love! Sometimes I imagine that we're doing the same mundane things at the same time...waiting as the time counts down until the day that we finally meet.

That makes the world beautiful to me.

thank you

-A dreamer

Today is a good day

you know? if i was a boy, i would totally want a girl like me. i don’t know what is wrong with all you.