Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You shot me with an arrow, not meant to kill but to heal

Slapped in the face today. Not literally this time, but still doesn't stop the stinging. I lost a friend, maybe someone who could have been good for me, or maybe someone who would have eventually dragged me down in the end. I'm not mad, or sad, just a little resentful of myself. I used to be someone who took advantage of what other people had to offer. Who used people until they were dried up and then still kept asking for their sweet nectar. I had this coming a long time ago and god knows, if she knew the things that I had done to her...we'll she'd never want to talk to me ever again anyways. I guess that still makes me a little selfish because I'm relieved that I never have to tell her the biggest secret I ever kept from her...but then I guess that's a selfish act I'm willing to keep to myself because it will only bring more pain where no pain is needed any longer. Rehashing the past = not so cute. I'm making my rounds of apologizes to those I have hurt in the past when they should have been adored. Time is healing me, but I am making me a better person. I can't change the things that I have done, but I can change who I am, and who I want to be. I am thankful for the enlightenment that I have been given to allow me to see all of the wrongs I have been doing.

Blessed is she who comes with a broken soul and leaves with one rejuvenated and loving.

