Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sand travels quick, but the memories always stick

It makes me sad to talk about it. I hate to talk about it, to remember everything because I forgot the good stuff. I forgot when it was good and I don't know if I could remember if it was good except for the music. The music...just as music has always done has a way of capturing my soul in that moment of first note and never releasing it. So music has always held my memories. American Pie... that's a song from my camp days where my best friend and I would dance together through all of the couples slow dancing in the theme decorated mess hall. Rainy Mondays..that's the first song I ever listened to when I first met Jeff and we talked about music. Your song- from the movie Moulin Rouge...that's was mike's way of telling me that he still cared about me even when times were bad...I would come home one day and find it left playing on a voice mail. Still- was the first time I truly fell in love and had a song with someone that was OUR song. Music holds pieces of my life...just as it would anyone's I suppose. It marks times throughout everyone's life when they feel the lyrics are calling to them. So music is my only true way that I can define my feelings...and they're not even my words. They're stolen....but I once read a quote that said, "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." I guess I'm not really very different...but for now I'm okay with that because I know already that when the times comes for my own words...that when the time did come for my won words...I was able to come up with them from my own head. So music take my soul and keep it because you're the only one I can always trust to remember it all.