Sunday, July 4, 2010


The baby is on it's way...literally. She's hitting contractions between 1 and 2 minutes now. I'm going to pee my pants. Medita says not to and that as a 20 year old I should be able to control my own secretions....but HOLY SHIT....there is about to be a baby BOY in my family. We don't have boys in my family...and I am SO EXCITED!!!!! My mom is on her way out to MN in the next two days to help with the baby and give Ardeshir and Smace some sleep and time together after she shoves this human out of her vagina...I cannot believe that those things actually come out of that little hole..I mean I know it gets bigger obviously...but Okay, just wanted you all to know I'm pretty much guaranteed a nephew on this July 4th 2010 and I am so excited. I wonder if Ardeshir will pass out... haha. okay...that was mean. ANYWAYS...

Okay trivia time: who's birthday did we always celebrate with and american flag cake made by yours truly with of course when I was younger help from my mom and sisters even though his birthday was in May strictly because the 4th was his favorite holiday?

Answer... My Grandpa Randall

; it's like this baby is carrying a piece of him back to us.

I feel incredibly blessed. Thank you

It's one hundred and nine degrees in this crowded room
No room to breathe with walls as cold as a gallery
This is no place for me
Such hard faces in smoke
The smell lingers in my clothes
It's a bad night to be alone
But that's the way it goes

And I think of you whenever life gets me down
I think of you whenever you're not around
And you rest your bones
Somewhere far from my house
Yeah, but you still pull me home