Wednesday, September 1, 2010

If only in my dreams

THIS HAS TO BE A JOKE!!! I don't know if you personally picked every single one of these songs out or if you just put every one from the album on here...but I can't do this. I can't listen to this music. I made it through about 6 songs before I had tears just uncontrollably streaming down my face. I can;t handle this. I thought maybe I was gonna be able to do this. To listen to this type of stuff again..but music and I aren't exactly friends these days. We haven't been for quite some time.
I mean do you believe in signs? I sure do. But I wonder what it would be like to follow EVERY sign we thought we saw. I wonder if our lives would turn out the same way or if we are missing things or if we are just meant to not follow signs. I wonder so many things about sometimes gives me a headache. But I guess I just wonder.

I also love a lot. I've been told I love too much, too easily and too often...but how are we ever supposed to appreciate the love we do finally end up with if we don;t get out heart broken a few or multiple times along the way? UGHHHH I just wanna find it. I'm TIRED of waiting for him or her. I just wanna be happy and LOVED!!! Is that too much to ask for? maybe.