Friday, May 27, 2011

Don't do that. Don't just disappear on me.

Don't this think this thing is just going to fizzle away. That time will heal all wounds. That time will make me stop feeling what I feel for you. Don't just think that if you go away and stop talking to me and I move away and we never speak again that this thing, these feelings I have are just going to go away. Because they won't. I'm going to need you to tell me. To tell me it's over. Forever. I am an extremely quick learner. I have a very strong intuition. BUT without those words, this thing, could last a lifetime. Because I'm not running this time. I'm actually learning and I'm growing and when things seem to get scary and hard and start to look like they might just hurt me, my first instinct is still to end it before I end up being the one who is hurt. And yet, I'm not. I am still standing here waiting; waiting for you to say those words. They are not that hard, I just need to hear them.

Because I don't want you to disappear. If you're not going to exist in the same way, thats okay. People heal, but they don't heal from an ending with no goodbye. Rational people, we need to hear goodbye, otherwise we'll always wonder if you're going to come back someday.

So don't do that. Don't just disappear on me.