Wednesday, April 13, 2011

talk about change

"Just because I've never been cheated on doesn't mean I've never been hurt."
That's what you said two weeks ago when you wouldn't tell me why you don't trust people. I get not trusting people. I used to be the queen of not trusting people but eventually I got over it, because you can't let people love you without trusting them. It's like a catch 22. You can't love people who don't trust, but you can't trust people who don't love. But I'm not worried about you, because we all heal in our own time and I'm trust worthy. More so than I used to be. I mean yea I could hold secrets before but I yielded them like a weapon instead of a peace offering. I want you to trust me but in a way I'm kind of glad you're not easy to trust because I am and it also makes it a learning experience for both of us.

Something that I learned about people though is you can't expect them to be perfect. People make mistakes and you shouldn't just jump right off of their bandwagon the first time they mess up. We're all human and we all have our own issues, our own battles, our own secrets and our own damage. I expected a lot of people to hold themselves to the same standards and keep the standards that I set for them but that's insane now when I look back on it because humans are exploring creatures. We want to know what things do, how they work, and limits. We like to test limits and push buttons because we're curious how far things will go before they backfire on us. But it's all part of life. The best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and try not to make them again. But this one I know I'm going to make over and over again and one of these days it's not going to be a mistake anymore.

SO, I'm going to trust you and I'm going to let myself fall in love with you if that's what I want. I'm going to share all of my secrets with you and let you see all of my scars. I'm going to be fearless like I always am in the beginning, and I'm going to let the fearlessness take over. I'm going to make sure you're aware of how much I like you and how happy you make me. I'm not afraid because I've already had my heart broken and it didn't kill me. I'm sure it might happen again but at least I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel this time and it's okay to love someone and let them go. If they find their way back to you it must have been meant to be and if not at least you know they were loved at least once.