Saturday, July 10, 2010

YOU always get the crazy ones

I'm not quite sure that you can handle me. I know you say it all the time that you can't, but you always seem to stick around anyways. I know you've said you're done with me twice now because I'm a lot to handle...and I know that I am so I wouldn't blame you if you walked away, but I really like you. And it's annoying and frustrating because I didn't want to like you this much and a lot of the time I don't. I think you can be really immature and annoying. I also don't think you really know how to be a boyfriend. I think you like the title and the fact that I am only with you, but I don't think you know how to be a good boyfriend or even really a boyfriend at all. Let me tell you how I like my men:

I like my men to want me, all of the time. I want their want known to me and to people around me.
I want my man to not be able to keep his hands off of me, but have the restraint to be able to do it, and yet at the same time still make it very much known to me how much he wants to just be touching me in some way.
I like my men possessive; not in the way where I can;t talk to other men or have my own life and freedom, but in the way where I know they are protective of me and make it clear without being an asshole that I am THEIR woman and no one else's.
I like my men to be confident enough in themselves that they don't need their ego stroked on a regular basis, only to leave my needs unmet.
and I especially like my men to show that they want to be with me and with no one else. I don't care how hot you think that girl walking down the street was or how great the sex was with your ex; for now you;re with me and you can go tell your boys all of that information, but I DON'T want to hear it.

So maybe I am a lot to handle and maybe I'm too much for you but did you ever even consider the possibility that you're not enough for me?