Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where do you call home?

I had my first day at Tunxis Community College today. It was amazing. I made about3 new friends, loved my Bio Lecture and Lab. My Lab professor is witty in a dry humor sort of way that I really enjoyed. And my Anatomy and Physiology Lab was AMAZING. My professor looks like Dr. Hahn from Grey's Anatomy and Act's like Arizona to boot. =) I also Dissected a Rat in my very first lab. It was wonderful..So why an I in my room with tears streaming down my face?

I miss Salem. I miss my friends there. I miss the Campus life. I didn't expect to miss it this much, but the sad fact is I miss the things that I finally JUST GOT. I finally started to feel like I had a home away from home. I just got a bunch of guy friends. I finally started to find a group of people that I actually fit in and who would miss me when I was gone.

That's the worst part about being back here. Is I have to start all over with everything new again...and it's harder because I only see these people in class. I don't get to see them in the Cafe or walking around campus or around town or in the dorms. Class. That's it.

I miss my boys from Salem. I miss my friends who are all RA's. I miss Jude in his homey stale apartment. I miss what used to be home as much as I hated it. This isn't home anymore. Maybe I feel like this because my room is a hurricane disaster right now, or because Whitney is leaving to live in the dorms soon, or because my best friends are all in every state other than the one I'm in but I miss Salem, I miss my family there. I don't miss working for Reslife, or dealing with the stupid shit, but I miss the place I called home for two years, that I feel like I can no longer call home anymore. And HOME isn't home anymore.

I know where I'm going academically, but where am I going to call home in the mean time? Where will I call home when I'm done?