Sunday, May 1, 2011

I never know what to do with my love.

Sometimes I think I like music more than I like people in my life. Not because the people in my life aren't amazing...because they are, but there are days, and I mean FULL DAYS where I lock myself away from the world and just listen to music all day and idle around in my own little world. And I love it, because it makes me happy in a different way than anything else. Kind of like looking at the stars and feeling like you're this small little piece to something so massive? Well music makes me feel a part of this incredible piece of culture and life. I don't understand people who sit in their cars by themselves and don't listen to music. Silence is just so damn loud, and there's hardly ever not a song that someone somewhere has sung about something you're currently feeling. Which is probably the number one thing I love most about music. It connects us all on this most basic level of humanity and allows the knowledge that we may all think and look and do things differently, but we all feel emotions so similarly. It allows that sense of hope that no matter what you're feeling someone somewhere understands. It means you're not alone. And so even when I am in my own world, I'm really with millions of people. Love music. It's what makes the world spin like it does. You get that, thanks for getting that even if you get nothing else.