Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's Easter

It's been a long time; Though it always seems like it has. This is my secret place. My place of worship, sadness and joy. It holds my brightest moments and it holds my very darkest. I'm not sure I'll ever let anyone read this on purpose. Sometimes the past is better left there, locked away and left for my mind to wander to on nights like this.

Easter morning, biblical speaking, is supposed to be the day of resurrection. The day a stone heavy with hatred and sadness and hurt is moved aside and the light sines into the darkest parts of our souls to show us the ability to grow and forgive. I get it; human's need to make stories for all the things we can;t seem to understand or those things which we want to pass from generation to generation about morals and values.

So here's one for everyone: Look upon someone of whom you've already seen before, and look upon their soul in a new light. It's so easy to forget the demons we all face, but don't show on our exoskeletons. So today, forget your religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sex, culture, sexual orientation or preference; just LOVE. Because someone once told me that love can conquer anything, and although I don't believe it can do that, I believe it has a lot more power than we let ourselves believe. It has a lot of healing powers, and a lot of forgiving powers.

Be kind, rewind, and then move forward. You'll find things might have changed over time.

They do in this city every minute.

Love and Peace.