Monday, January 10, 2011

How long would you wait?

Just a testimony to all of the people out there waiting for the person they're in love with to figure out that they love them back. Maybe you think that they will come back to you because that's what you've always seen in the movies. Or possibly it's because Someone told you once that if they're THE ONE they'll find their way back to you. But my question is: Why wait? Why not at least live and love in the mean time? I mean if you truly believe that love conquers all and that your love is that once in a lifetime kind of love then why sit around and be miserable till it finds you again?

I feel like we as people, as humans, as the Human Race seem to think that the more miserable you are without them the more they will come back to you. Like the fates or whatever you believe in will see how miserable you are and send the love of your life racing back into your waiting arms....but if you don't ever get strong how are you ever going to catch this ONE? How are you ever even going to realize that they truly ARE the ONE if you have never experienced any other kind of love? I'm not saying that other love's are going to be perfect and I know from personal experience that you're being a complete skeptic right now, but no one can compare to the first person you ever loved...but other people can love you, and you can love other people, and you can FALL IN LOVE with other people.

So sometimes it's alright to just walk away; give it a rest, and digest your life. Sometimes you just wake up one day and the pain you feel is gone, but for most people it's hard to let go of a first love, or even just SOMEBODY you loved. That may never go away. But it doesn't mean you can never fall in love again. Sometimes what it comes down to is you have to let go of the Wrong one before you can even Open your eyes to the Right one. Because whoever told you LOVE was supposed to hurt like this LIED to you.

So naturally this begs the question: How long would you wait before finally giving up hope that they might ever come back to you?

Maybe you're willing to wait forever.

But most of you should just refer back to the very first picture.