Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Isn't this the best Part of breaking up, finding some else you can't get enough of....Liz Phar needs to drop off. Seriously. She obviously doesn't get it. There is no best part..there's no good part...there"s only wonder. Why couldn't you do it? What if you don't want to find someone else you cant get enough of? What if there never is anyone else? How can someone ask you what you would do if you just kept loving someone and they never came back...what if you never can pick up those pieces...because half of the pieces are gone? How can you ask someone what they would do? What the fuck would you do? Would you be able to just walk away...walk right the fuck out of there and never look back and go find something new? If you're answer to this question is yes, or you would try...don't even bother talking to me, because we will never be able to see eye to eye on love. You just can;t possible wrap your head around the way I feel ever. Because there are very few people on this giant size planet that understand what I feel like truly, no B.S. You could never understand. you just can't. and That"s okay. I don't need you to. Because I get it and I don't need to see some stupid fucking therapist to make me understand how I feel or what to do with my life. You need me to do that because YOU don't understand...So why dont YOU go to teh fucking therapist and leave me alone for once in my life. I'm done wanting to die...I'm just not sure how to live yet....but I don't need someone to tell me how to either. So just leave me alone and let me figure me out. It may take some time, but I don't remember anyone telling you you had a time limit to figure you out. Sometimes I just need the time. And I don't need the help. and sometimes I need the help, but unlike you i'm not afraid to ask. So how dare you force me to do this. You don't even know me anymore. I'm not even sure if you ever did.