Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I have so many things I want to say to every last one of you stupid bunch of bitches..but I won't stoop to your immature, never going to grow the fuck up, need to shut the fuck up and stop thinking your so hot everyone wants to hit on you, can't ever let things go, worse than the richest brattiest tween, gay as the day is long, rumor spreading, lying between your stupid fucking teeth, can't talk like reasonable adults, acting like you are so much better than everyone else in the whole world, gossiping, slutty sleeping around,lying and bitching and cheating, self idolizing peevish little twirpy LESBIAN ways. So why don't you all go drive away listening to Tegan and fucking Clara in your stupid dyke mobiles followed by a friggin U-haul on to the next poor bitch who decides that you're even worth their time and get the fuck over yourself and grow the fuck up on the drive over. And you....all you stupid people who think I'm ratting on lesbians because I'm against gays and their rights, well, I'd have to be against MY OWN RIGHTS then wouldn't I. So don't you dare report me you bible hugging homophobes. Go to hell all of you. If I could burnall you bitches and the rest of you too and all your bibles I would.