Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I CANNOT BELIEVE I AM BACK TO THIS SAME SHIT AGAIN.....okay all you stupid fucking lesbian bitches who seriously cannot get your own lives. I DO NOT want to hear about Jude and Laurie or Jude or whatever Jude is doing. I am so sick of your constant updates like I actually give a shit as to what he is doing with his life. AND WHY do you possibly think that I don't already know everything you are telling me, like he's not my best friend or something? SERIOUSLY CAN YOU PLEASE JUST FUCK OFF. I am going to end up punching one of you in the face by the end of this year and I DO NOT care about jail time. I've been there before so I will GLADLY go back for punching one of you stupid mother fuckers in the face. YOU THINK A BROKEN JAW WAS BAD? ugh...just you fucking wait. Keep it up. I dare you.