Friday, September 25, 2009

It should have been common knowledge

for you to know that you don't talk about one of us without someone else finding out and letting one of us know. This should have already been common knowledge to you, but here;s the thing. I'm going to warn you now and then when it happens again, because you're a stupid freshman, so it will, I'm going to chew you out like you've never known in your life. You do not talk about any one of the four of us. We may not be obnoxious about our stature, but we know who we are, just like you know who we are. So whether you aknowledge it or not, you are still going to respect it like everyone else because if you don't, which you currently aren't, this is going to be a very rough start for you. Whether we want to or not, between the four of us, we know everything. We know all the gossip, all the news and all of the big shit that's going on. So you better damn believe that the second you open your mouth about one of us in either a negative or positive manner we're going to hear about it pretty much within the very next sentence. So do not think it will not get to us, because it will. You DO NOT talk smack about my friends without consequences. It doesn't work like that. You are just some dumb little girl who thinks its teh cool thing to get high and drunk and pop pills. Well, I've got a little news for you. It's not cool. It's pathetic and you should probably see someone about it if you think that it's a cool thing to potentially kill yourself every night. There was no way she was going to date someone like that. She's better than you. So don't you go around saying that she is crazy to think that you would cheat on your girlfriend for her because if she ever even gave the slightest thought towards you, um..which she didn't, there isn't even the slightest blink of hope for you now. Let this be your first and only warning: We're not people to mess with, so don't.

Happy fuck-ups =)