Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So, I can officially hold food down again. For about two minutes before it starts threatening to come back up. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Everything is normal one minute and the next its all fucking crazy and I'm wanting to die and the very next I'm numb again. Someone please explain to me HOW I get myself into shit like this? It's so stupid. I am tired of being the best friend who can't do anything right and when she does it doesn't even make her happy. Ugh, someone please just tell me you like me and you want to kiss me so that I don't have to listen to her talk about how much she wants to kiss her and all the other nasty TMI crap that the other tells me without actually having to picture the person I am so in love with getting it and LIKING IT from some other chick four years older than me. I always thought people liked 'em younger, but maybe that's just guys. MAYBE lesbians are totally different and they LIKE them OLDER. ugh...that would explain me. FML seriously. Fuck it. I'm done writing about how I suck as a person, when it's so CLEARLY everyone else. I need to get out of MASS.

