Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tired of Games

I am so friggin serious right now. I am on literally my last nerve with you. Why do you feel the need to constantly put me down? what have I done to you other than actually care and try to be what you ask of me and all you seem to do is want to take all of your shit and dump it on me. I am so tired of being every one's dumping ground. You literally have the nerve to come down here at 4 in the morning and pretending like your shit doesn't stick and ask me what's wrong and I say I have literally had a migraine for 3 days straight and then tell me I act like I'm dying....please you fucking deal with a migraine for 3 days and tell me if you would want to sit here discussing our relationship at 4 am. You complain about going without pot for 4 straight days out of a WHOLE YEAR. You're pathetic. I am so frustrated with you I have no idea what I feel for you right now, but I can sure as fuck tell you it's nothing good. YOU asked me to be your girlfriend. YOU pushed that title, and now YOU think you can honestly walk around here acting like the shittiest boyfriend I have EVER had and think I'm not going to say something about it? Well let me tell you...I learned from my mistake last time. I'm not about to let you walk the fuck all over me. I am not about to stick around and suck it up while you act like you're some hot shit who can do and say whatever he wants regardless of anyones feelings and then if they don't like what you have to say you just put them down more? well fuck you. I am so done with this shit. YOU don't understand that I can find another you ANYWHERE.....but I wasn't really looking for another one of you. I have DATED YOU before...I wanted someone different; yet somehow I got YOU again. Back to the drawing board...because I am so tired of playing these games.