Monday, April 18, 2011

I wanna be your last first kiss

I read this tumbler once that had on it the picture that I was going to put on here originally that said, "I want to be someone's first choice just once".

But I chose to put this one instead:


Here's the thing about being first. You get them first inevitably they will remember you forever as being their first love. But I'm not asking to be your first choice. I'm not even asking to be your second, third, fourth, or even your tenth. I'm just asking to be your last. I want to be your last choice because when you choose someone to be your last, it doesn't mean you ran out options, or that you'd rather be with someone else. It means that you're the last person they plan on being with when they leave this earth. You're the last person they plan on giving their heart to. Your the last person that they want to be madly, crazily, inconcievably and irrevocably in love with and that's what really matters. So who cares if you were the first person they loved? Because eventually they will have a last and all the rest won't matter anymore. So I want to be your last. Let me please be your last. Everything else in between doesn't matter because in the end we'll be eachothers and all anyone really wants in this world is to love and be loved in return. So let me love you and treat you good and not plan into the future, because I'm happy right here and now with you.

Coexisting in the space between lungs

I need a man who likes cats. Who will love that I love my cat. Who will even let my cat sleep in our bed and curl up on his lab while watching T.V. This is not something I'm willing to compromise on. I will get a dog because I know you're a dog person even though I am not and you want hands down one of the cutes puppies that inevitable turn into a HUGE fucking dog that will need extra exercise; This is okay because 1) I love you so I will put up with your love for dogs and all things man loving and slobbery and 2) because we are going to live in a cute ass farm house with AMAZING rooms all artfully and awesomely designed with a library and 3) because I already know you love cats. It really is a good thing that you grew up with a plethora of different animals because the kids I'm planning on having are going to need friends they can count on when their family sucks and they realize that we don't live in the city. That's really all. I just need you to let me have my cat in the bed too when I'm crying and you just wanna hold me.

Thanks always,