Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And at the end of the day

I always want the safe kind of love these days. Safe because it means I don;t have to put myself out there. Safe because i dont have to feel. Safe because it means I can;t get hurt. I'm back to the old me who's got everybody on a two week timer and even though I should be better at this and I should just fucking grow up and stop knocking people out of the ring before they can get anywhere near my heart; I can't stop searching for this love. This love that blows me out of the water. this love that hits me like a ton of bricks. Thus love that makes no sense and fucking makes me think I'm having a heart attack when I realize I'm in love with the person. I need patience because it doesn't just fall into your lap right? You need to swim the damn moat before you can get to the castle right? Ughhh I hate love.