Wednesday, July 9, 2008

OH my DEAR GODDESS! Boys are really frustrating. For all those girls and guys out there who know I'm deeply sorry. I truly hate drama i do, but when it comes to this one person, i just cant help being involved. I mean i have been in love with him forever and well, he just hasn't figured out that he loves me too yet. But by golly people, i think we're getting close. He leaves for college in 37 days and well, i don't know if we'll ever see each other again, even though we live about 5 minutes away from each other and we'll probably both be home for Winter break. See what i mean about complicated drama?!? One day all you lovely readers of mine are going to get the complete and total seasonal collection of my life of love and loss with this boy/man and then your going to know exactly what i mean. Anyway, paging all you star-crossed lovers out there......send some good energy out into the universe for me and we'll see how the moon feels about sending some of that energy around . For all you hippy/ new age teens out're not the only ones lost. I wish i knew what i was doing. 
Your fellow grungy loving, tattoo wanting, hippy freaky, love searcher,