Friday, May 13, 2011

promises are useless without a good word backing them

And they are all just empty promises, because if you meant them you would have DONE something about it by now. You would have done more than just wait. You would have gotten on a plane or in a car or a boat or on a fucking scooter and done SOMETHING about it. You would have followed through with all those threats. And I'm not going to push you to do it or give you even the slightest hope that by now it's just too late for you to do all of these things because you waited to long, and even freaks and people who understand even some of the ludicrous things in the world just don't understand this fear, and so we move on, because waiting for you to pull your head out of your ass just takes too long. And if you really wanted to change it, your threats wouldn't be idle, they'd BE on my doorstep, in my face and with love in those stupid eyes of yours because DAMMIT, I deserve an apology. I deserve a hundred apologies even after I close the door in your face and I deserve you pitching a fucking tent on my front lawn so that you can hand me the newspaper every morning until I get so sick of seeing your face I let you talk to me. And EVEN THEN I deserve ANOTHER apology and then I deserve a hug and a kiss...because I am worth that. I am worth all of that effort. Every single ounce of it, because I would have loved you forever and I would have loved your flaws even more. This might seem like a big commitment to you. A lot of time off off whatever job you think is getting you some place right now but that is what I'm worth, so if it's too much for you forget everything else. You can forget showing up on my doorstep in a few months or a few years or decades and telling me how you wished you had just grown the balls to do it, and how much you regret it. Because by then, you'll be the very last thing on my mind and I know I'll still be right there in the front of your head. SO shit man....or get the fuck off of the pot.

Always and Forever

I stopped holding you to any and all promises a long time you wanna keep holding yourself to them fine, because it;s not like I forgot any of them, I just don't believe they'll hold like stone anymore.