Friday, October 1, 2010

Please don't leave me for so long next time

She waits for me. Almost as if it stays away just until I need her, till I need a change or a new outlook on the world...and the she comes just when I'm starting to feel like I'm going to die from withdrawal. She comes showering down in me and my world and gives me something beautiful to see in it again. I have been needing this for a very long time. The last week has been a tease and it didn't come anywhere near refilling the puddles in my soul that dry up and crack when she's not here. She's a part of me and only those who love and appreciate all of her challenges, and eloquences the way I have come to can truly get an almost high off of her presence in their lives. She brings with her a different kind of comeliness and homage than her brother. So I am going to enjoy my time with her here again by having a lazy day of studying all of the bones and their features for my exam on Thursday and enjoying her smell and touch on my soul throughout the day. Her love has never failed me, and for that I will never have to stop loving her.