Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's strange your face....I don't see you anymore


I don't know you anymore. Well, if we're being completely honest I haven't known you for a very long time. You don't know me anymore. You and I existed in a whole other realm or realms. But we existed once. Together. As a WE. And so because of that fact, I can still feel you; or at least what I am choosing to believe is you. You're different. I knew it today. Felt it in my strides and in my being, that something great and true had happened. Something that would change so much and yet nothing in the same. YOU are different today, and you will be more different tomorrow and every day from now forward. But you changed. That is singular. We haven't changed, and part of me wishes we had. Because I feel left behind, but in the same moment I feel grown. Grown like life is slapping me across the face and pointing toward reality telling me to grab onto it before that too pulls away. And I held on to this notion for so long, that when things start to look better I find a way to fuck them up. But I need to stop, because all that is left when things are done is the feeling that they should be together and they're not because I have done something. Something to eliminate the feelings of good, so as to escape the feelings of bad. Yet, it always backfires.

You will be you. The you you were meant to be. The you I always knew you would someday be.

And I, I will fix what I have broken. I will LET myself be happy, and keep from breaking what I know is good.

And WE will go on. Marching fourth. Handless.