Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So, I'm home today. I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER!!! haha. I don't think I actually appreciated having a home where I am like this two years ago, but lord knows I do now. =) I am so happy to be here with all my friends and family. It's weird. when you're sad you can sit and describe it so well, but when you're happy all you wanna do is dance around and smile and live. haha anyways, went for my first 5 MILE run today at about 530 am!!!! I've been working up to it for a couple weeks now and I'm glad I finally did it, though running here in Newington is WAY harder than running in Salem because in Salem where I run it's mostly flat, where as here it's way more hilly. I ran in the rain, which is good and bad. It was good because I love the rain and it was a nice way to stay cool through out the run, but it wasn't so hot because at the end of the run my whole body was hot, but my toes were FREEZING... weirdest sensation ever when you hop into the shower after. lol Any-who, took a nice hot shower and have been sorta lazying around for the rest of the day so far. It's a good day for naps and reading and stuff. Tonight the gang is finally almost all back together and we're headed to hooter's for the wing special, but I'm looking forward to my full boy massage later tonight and spending a little quality time with the boys. =) Alright lovers, I've gotta get back to this BEAUTIFUL weather and loving people and my books. hehe I'm such a book worm. OH yea... and planning my trip to ENGLAND!!!! =) That's right bitches I'm heading back to the mother country soon. =) well, maybe... if Kimica doesn't make me drag my cute self to Shanghai with her first. =) Alright lovers, I'm headin out.

Lots of love,
You're long lost (but never really lost),(kelly don't even ask me how lost I was) world traveling girlie =)