Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sis Months Later...

Well, it seems that I'm making a habit out of updating my blog every six months or so, oh my.... Hmm, well I think I should start off by saying that I succeeded in finishing my first year of college at Salem State in Salem, MA. It was a fabulous year well spent in studies, adventures and not the least bit of drama. HAHAHA, that's a lie. Drama here is what everyone seems to love. I suppose it's a Mass thing, but who knows, maybe it's just a Freshman year thing....goddess i hope so. But I made some pretty amazing friends aginst all odds and amazingly I am still with Ashley. I'd say thats about 8 months for us now, but please hold the applause. =) I am now working the summer at the college in an SCA (summer confrence assistant) position, and it is wonderful but seriously exhausing. I miss my family and friends from my I never thought I'd see the day...but things change and I changed alot over the year. It was a whole new world but I feel like I learned that its not all taht different....just different people with the same dramas. So I met some really great gals through the Alliance at school and some though means of them, and although i can say for sure whether they like me just yet, I am not so worried about it. I have found this year taht i can be extremely charming and extremely stubborn when I want to be, and this is of course a blessing and a curse. For all of those of you who understand this curse...I'm sorry. But On a brighter note or whichever you decide, I joined the Dreaded Facebook, and found that it is not quite as bad as some say and I for sure thought. It truely is a good way to keep in touch with old friends, and stick your beak into everyone elses business. I find to be rather helpful lately though. It allows me to talk more easily with my family as well, which my two older sisters have been all over me for not doing this year. Well here I am, happy and alive and ready to chat with all seeking a good conversation. Hope all is well and hopefully I wont be talking to you in six months, but sooner in fact.