Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I know..moving forward isn't the same as moving on....well at least right now. Jesus fuck. Here's the thing..every time I listen to that stupid song I wonder if you were ever even mine. Like were you ever truly mine or were you always just someone else's...I don't know what I'm really saying here it's more like just me rambling on like usual. I wish signs could be read by people other than the person who was sending them out, because then sometimes we could all just KNOW. we could know what the hell everyone else was thinking. I'm sorry but she doesn't deserve this and I'm a little tired of you messing around with her head because honestly she's a good person. Yea, maybe she makes mistakes and she may act like a huge bitch and she may also be a shitty best friend sometimes but she's MY BEST FRIEND and if you even think that you can just walk right back in and mess up everything she's worked so hard to get past well you've got another thing coming buddy. I am not going to stand by and watch you rip my best friends heart into shreds all over again., If you want her it's gunna be WORK and i'm not talking about trying really hard to do nice things for her nd make her feel special just because you fucked up. No, I'm talking about the fights that you're gunna have to stick by her through even when you're arguing against her because the reason she's fighting you is because she doesn't trust you yet, but she desperately wants to be able to trust you again because what you had no matter how long meant EVERYTHING to her and if we're being totally honest here you NEVER forget you're first love, and it's never REALLY over so let's not beat around the bush. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. I'm not saying it has to be right now or soon in fact because god KNOWS she's gunna wait for you. She can't picture herself with anyone else because THERE ISN'T anyone else. You are the person she loves and the person she KNOWS she wants to spend the rest of her life with so you make sure you take your time and don't come around breaking her heart unless you plan to put the pieces back together as a couple in the future. But even more...I don't know if she can handle this. I don't know if my best friend is strong enough to forget you and move on, because fate is fate and fate made her fall for you and not someone else. Fate decided you were the one and not someone who you or she or anyone else might think could or is better for her, because you can't fight the way you feel. And she's in love with you. Has been right from the start, and so to ask her to let go means that you are asking her to let go of the one thing in her life that she is more sure of than anything else. So I'm not going to tell her and neither are you. All I'm asking is that you start learning about you so that someday you will eventually be an US. Love is all that matters in this world and without it you feel like you're just drowning. So I'm not asking you to be perfect and I'm not saying things aren't going to be rough and things aren't going to be hard work but everything worth living for is hard work. Love is teh best thing in my opinion...and oddly's my best friends too. We're old souls. We can wait because we've been waiting for someone like you to come around for a long time. It doesn't matter how young we are. When it's love you just know. Have a good day. All my love.