Saturday, November 7, 2009

So, were sitting together in your room. With our beds pushed together and you sitting on the floor in front of your computer while I sit at my desk typing this. I just took a shower and now we're listening to some music. The song that just came on is Alexi Murdoch- orange sky. This is a totally new song to me, yet I can still find a tie to you and me in it. I want to be whole again. I'm tired of feeling only half full because I need my other half. I had my other half for a while and then it was lost and stolen and then buried deep and far away in another world. I know it's trying to find it's way back to me, but sometimes, I wonder if it will just stop where it was stolen and stay. The future used to be my biggest fear, but that has now taken it's place. Just as I am scared that someday she will take my place and I won't even know it happened. I don't want to be lost forever, but sometimes I feel like I'm going to be. I'm terrified of the amount of me that you encompass. I am scared and thrilled by the love we could have, that we have had, and what I sometimes glimpse of what we do have. I want you to know that I do in fact never have a time when I don't want to kiss you. There are times I doubt the intention of your kisses, but never the less, there has yet to be a time in which I do not want to feel the warmth of your kiss and the heat that emits itself only to me in that moment. Don't worry love, that is my job and mine alone.

Love F&A,