Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New everything

Well...not everything is NEW...but My hair is new. My room is a new color of vibrant blue and I am new. I'm a harder working individual. (maybe I don't necessarily have a real job just yet) but I work hard in my classes, I work hard outside of my classes, I exercise regularly, I don't go out too much but when I do it's always a good time and I'm finally just deleting people out of my life who bring me down. I'm a new Lindsay and for the first time in some time I'm really proud of who I am, the way I act, the people I let stay in my life and of who I am working towards being. I'm a stronger, newer, more confident woman and I feel pretty damn good about that.

Just thought I'd let you know.

Go be your own light. =)

p.s. thought you might enjoy this...since you're one of the only people who actually reads this thing...maybe you'll actually comment. lol