Sunday, November 22, 2009

She who was lost has not been found, but has indeed found a light at the end of the tunnel of dread. Receiving what she wished she needed was the final straw not to break her but to set her free. It is true that in searching for one's self, we look to everyone but the inside of our own hearts. No one can save you but yourself. She was no different. Finally...after all of the dark days and lost hours, she retrieved what had truely been lost. It was not the relationship in which she dreamed would brng about a change in her world, but it was the lost person hiding within her very own soul. Without it happiness would never truely have been possible; not that she had understood that until the dreams had slowly revieled what truely lie beneath. Dangerous was her trek, and many a time it was given up, but only a loved soul could have survived it. I guess I never realized how much I was lost before I was found, and found by no one but myself. But I also have never felt so loved even when I was blind to love and only looked upon hate and excuse. Interesting how things have a way of working themselves out right when you actually need them to.
