Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Her ghost haunts this TIME

You think you’re special? You think you’re different? You think you’re the only one who has ever walked out of my life claiming that I’m too fucked up for you to deal with never realizing that the reason everything fell apart wasn’t because of me, but because you can’t accept change? Or because you’re the one who’s fucked up becuase of everything and that I have done everything in my power to try and help; to make things easier on and for you, and yet ME, I’M the one whose FUCKED UP? No. I have my faults and I have never lied. I have never told you I was someone different than the person you see before you, so WHY do you think that I am her? Because I’m not, but no matter how many times I try to tell you that she and I are NOT the same person and that I will NOT do what she did to you…you won’t believe me until you forgive her for walking out on you. I have put up with A LOT from you. I have been there for you even when you pushed me away, and I have sat through conversations with you where you say that I’m fucked up and that you don’t know if you can do this anymore and that this relationship is taking a toll on you: and yet you have yet to realize that the reason it is so bad for you is because you haven’t let her go yet. You’re still waiting for her to come back and for things to be like they were. But it’s not going to happen, and even if it does, things will never be like they used to be. I’m so sorry she did what she did to you, and to me, but that has nothing to do with US and yet it has everything to do with us because her ghost still haunts the relationship I now have with you, and it’s ruined it because you let her take control of something that is no longer hers. So, I’m sorry you’re done with me. You meant a lot to me, more than most people these days do. I’m sorry you’re hurting so much and someday I hope that pain goes away.