Monday, April 19, 2010

It's funny you know. you say all that shit to me, but you have absolutely no idea what life is like for me anymore. You have no idea what has happened to me earlier today or that now your words sting in a way that is not intended. I'm sure you have something going on with you because I have never done anything to you to deserve getting treated like this and that's the reason that as hard as it is, I never sink to your level. Because I'm better than you. I take the time to realize that there is more going on beyond what you say to me. That something may have happened to you earlier that would make your words not sting like they were intended, but instead burn. They burn my skin, leaving little scars of hurt all over my body that to you are so minuscule that you can't even see them, but for me, they cover me. They're everywhere, completely inescapable. They burn and scar but they don't disappear. They shrink over time, but they will never disappear. That's why I can't be around you anymore. You're so toxic and I don't even think you realize it. i can't escape you yet, because the school year it's over yet. I can't wait to be rid of you. The pain isn;t even explainable to an actual degree. All I know is that when you're around I can almost feel your own pain. I pity you above everything else. I'm sorry you're hurting this much but that doesn't make what you're doing to me or anyone else okay.
As much as I sometimes would love nothing more than to hurt your feelings back, a part of me, and any times it's the only part of me realizes how broken you are. I could never look at someone as as broken as you are and try to bring them down anymore. That's what you did to me. You saw and knew how broken I was and you made my life a living hell anyways. I can't do that. You probably would say that makes me weak, but in actuality I know it mean's I'm getting stronger. That I can see the way that the words I say and the things I do can hurt people more than I ever intended to because I have no idea what is happening to them or inside them when I can't see them and sometimes even when I can see them. You don't know me anymore and I am so thankful for that. I pray for you everyday, but sometimes karma takes just a little too long.