Saturday, August 15, 2009

I HOPE SOMEONE PUNCHES HIM and tells him that he is a piece of shit and that what he's doing isn't okay. I hope that someone can knock some sense into him and tell him that hes not only hurting me but his friend and they both suck. That is my opinion. I don't know how much longer I can stand not telling him that ruining a marriage is FUCKED UP whether its intentional or not.


Hey all.

Sooo I took a summer class this summer to make up for my bad grades in my History 102 class this past spring semester. The final was on Wednesday this past week and today I received an e-mail from my professor. Actually to tell the story right my professor dropped the first letter in my e-mail address and accidentally send the e-mail to my mom. My mom then forwarded it to me. I have been freaking out about this final grade for the last few days because I really want to be a nurse and I spent a lot of money on this class to get a better grade and well if your mother send you an email starting off with "Your professor accidentally e-mailed me. Call me asap" it kinda makes your heart jump up into your throat. BUT....I GOT AN A in the class!!!! This grade will thusly increase my cumulative GPA and hopefully allow me to be re-entered into the Nursing Program here at the wonderful Salem State College. This is most likely the best news I could have hoped for goig into my Sophomore year here...other than that other thing.

Now, new roomies!!! For the fall this year I will be living in the Central res. Hall where I will share an apartment styled living quarter with 5 of my closest friends. As you should know, or maybe not, because I'm not sure if I've told you, but Laura one of my closest friends from last year will not be coming back due to some personal complications. I honestly will miss her so much, although she was a lot of drama and problems, I will never forget what she has done for me and hopefully will continue to do for me in the future. I know she is a friend for life...just not sure when in my life yet. But my other fabulous five friends and I have set apartment rules and are gathering our materials to have one of the most fabulous apartments in all of SSC. I am truely excited for the school year to get started. For all of those who don't know...Ash and I will be rooming together again. I don't know how it will go, but I hope well. She is after all my best friend on campus, and we have some realy cool ideas for our room so I'm still hopeful. Maybe that's naive or whatever, but like my other friend, who will remain nameless said "What other way could it be? No other way makes sense." SO we will just have to SEE!!!!

Family: Shawn and meryl are officially off to JAPAN this winter break where Meryl will write cool haiku"s about their style of tattooing while Shawn does some hands on testing. It is very exciting. Smace comes back in september from hersummer bike trip across the United States. If you want to check out what's she's doing I plan to attend their finale celebration party in Boston, MA in late september. Whitney is starting off her SENIOR year at Newington High which is probably good because she seems to really hate it there..though having gone through it myself, I really can't balme her. I can't wait to see where she'll be attending college in the fall. She of course has the best grades and the most options than any of the rest of her sisters. We all sort of suck at school, while she shines like those annoying headlights of teh person behind you on the highway. =) DAD is currently in FL biking an average of 20 miles or so a day, while MOM is home visiting with Meryl and Shawn while they are home for a short visit. They went and picked blueberries yesterday...YUMMM. Both of my parents will be entering their second to last year before they can retire somewhere like oh...their FL beach house and enjoy bathing in the sun down there in the winters and then head up north for the cooler, less predictable summer months. It all sounds like it's going to be okay.

I am obviously in a much better mood now than my last blog, but I really feel like it's pointless to sit around crying and whining about it. It happened, now it's time for me to get on with my life. What she still doesn't seem to understand is that I'm never going to really leave her. I might date someone else or be happy, but it doesn't mean that I don't miss her everyday and taht i wouldn't do ANYTHING to be back to where we were. But I also understand the need for some space to fgure out what she wants to and who she is. Well, we'll see won't be. If it's mean to be, it"ll happen. Meryl knows that better than anyone.

Well, I'm off to work for the night. I hope all of you are doing well and I'll keep you updated,


Elle <3