Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Honey, let me sing you a song

I don't want you to go. I don't want you to leave this bed in the morning to go half way around the world. I am fully aware of exactly how selfish that is of me to ask. I know you're really going to save a bunch of people by bringing food and medical supplies to a place that really needs it and I'm just so gosh darn proud of you I'm smiling my goofy smile right now. And you're next to me wrapped up around me making this really hard to type out, but I don't mind because I'm not going to be able to smell you for anywhere from two weeks to over a month. I'm not going to be able to cuddle up close next to you at night when I get cold because we sleep with the windows open so that we can fall asleep to the rain. I'm really proud of you for going to do this really great and humane and loving thing. I'm just really going to miss you. I know you're scared too, that for some reason you'll return and I'll be gone because we're still so new this way and I've never been very good at it, but I'm not going anywhere. You make me so incredibly happy and I'm sure there are other people in the world that could make me feel happy too but you're who I want to come home to and crawl in bed with and fall asleep wrapped up in. Ugh you just smell so damn good I don't know what I'm going to do without you. Night, see you when the morning sun shines through these window shades. But just an FYI, I suck at goodbyes...even people who deserve goodbyes will probably never get them because I don't ever want things to be final like that if you ever meant anything to me. So lets not say goodbye in the morning, lets just kiss and say we'll see each other later. <3
