Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Please tell me what the appeal of bed rest is if you can't even watch your favorite T.V. show? Anyways, I am pleased to share that yesterday I went to the beach, spend a wonderful day in the sun and in the sand. Went surfing with some hotties I met a few days ago and met up with out on Marble head, and then proceeded to come back to my dorm and pass out from sun poisoning and dehydration. It's funny..that's the second time I have woken up at this school surrounded by cops and EMT's. They tried very hard to persuade me to get in their dumb ass ambulance and to get me to go to Salem Hospital. haha these people here are so weird. They won't smile at you on the street and when you pass out they insist on taking you to the worst run hospital I've ever been to in my life. Whatever. I'm doing much better today after some self medicating, lotion, lots of water, and food. So, maybe i'll wear sunscreen next time, but probably not.
Anyways though, besides this bunch of fun, I really have been having a good summer here surprisingly. I love my staff, enjoy the beach and being in Boston more than I work at the current moment and the food at Chartwells is so much better when you're eating with the professors. They made this chocolate mousse in a teacup a few days ago and the even better thing was is that the tea cup was CHOCOLATE. I mean you could literally eat the entire cup and all the mousse inside it. It was really pretty yummy. lol Oh, yea, my room mate Lynette is a lot more fun than people give her credit for..although she is definitely the first black girl I've ever met who acts like a dumb blonde. haha it's kinda funny to watch, but she's really cool so I don't mind.
Still planing my second trip to England. My cousin Mike works in england a lot and flies him there a bunch of times throughout the year. His next trip is in September which I can't go on because I'll be in classes, but he said that if he wen't during the winter break, which he probably would I was welcome to come and i could probably get a free flight as my x-mas present from him because he racks up so many frequent flier miles from all his travels!!! holy shit how awesome would that be if I got to spend an entire MONTH alone painting the city red in London. =) well we'll see!!!!!!!! OMG so excited. bahaha
Alright well it was nice chatting again and hopefully i'll see ya'll soon.

love always,
your fiery red head...who now apparently is blonde