Sunday, September 19, 2010

A beautiful wedding

I am not a sap. But this weekend I watched my sister Casey (smace) who is just older than myself get married on a Mississippi River boat. Actually, her and her husband (Ardeshir) renewed their vows in front of both of their entire families (myself included) and friends and their son Sia (my nephew born in July this summer) and I cried. I don't mean that I bawled my eyes out or anything, but I was literally happy crying for them. I am incredibly happy for my sister and Ardeshir. It's so visible on both of their faces and in the way they treat and act around each other how amazingly in love they are, and how happy they are to have found one another.

(they had superhero references in their renewal vows; I think Ardeshir is going to make a wonderful addition to our family full of dorks, as well as have a family of his own little dorks <3)

I did not cry at my sister Meryl and her husband of almost 5 years, Shawn's wedding, but this weekend I also looked at them as Meryl who was the maid of honor, made her wedding speech and found that yet again I had tears in my eyes at the looks and acts of love that they shared in those moments as well as throughout the entire weekend.

So, I say yet again that I am not a sap...usually, but it seems that the ice has been broken around this heart and I am able to feel those intense and girlish emotions yet again. I'm next to get married out of my sisters (if we continue the birth order that is) yet I feel no rush to get married. I just hope that I may also find in someone the love and kindness and compassion that I was able to see in these couples for one another.

Casey and Ardeshir, may your marriage have much love, compassion, patience, kindness and excitement. May your days together be filled with the joy of finally finding someone who completely understands and appreciates you for exactly who you are. May the hardships be short and the blessings be many.

All my love and best wishes,

Lindsay Rose

CONGRATULATIONS, and welcome into the family officially <3>