Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rediscovering cloud 9

I've decided to cut you out...well not so much decided as I have finally come to my senses and realized you need to go away now. haha I'm so happy right now I could dance in a million little circles and giggle until the stars fade and the sun begins to rise again. You made my life miserable and you were so manipulative and cruel and I'm just done with it. ahaha I don't even know why I feel like I need to blog this...maybe just to keep a record that you were ever here at all I guess, because I feel so giddy and I'm starting to forget what it felt like to be so sad. Thank you for what you did do for me when I needed you though. But you never needed me. You just wanted to save me so you could hurt me yourself. Oh well. I beat you. I survived anyways and you're gone and soon forgotten. I wish you well with the rest of your life. I hope you find people who make you as happy as I am.

P.S. Please don't ever come back into mine. I'd really appreciate it.

Love A&F,
