Sunday, October 11, 2009

Please, just please tell me whats bothering you. Because I don't understand how it can be so good, and I leave for only a little bit and already we're back to fighting about something and i don't know where it went wrong. I don't remember doing anything wrong. I'm taking PT tomorrow so that you don't have to worry about Angie being in your car because you don't like her. I brought you home Chinese food that I offered because I love you. And I have done nothing but try and help you since I got back. So thanks a bunch AGAIN for treating me like shit, for basically telling me to leave your stuff alone and oh btw, thanks for dinner. Well then thank you too. I hate you right now. I hate having these arguments because you can't actually tell me what the fuck is up. So tell me to fuck off again., I really appreciate it. I love you too.
