Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Maybe Romeo and Juliet were fated to be together, but just for a while, and then their time passed. And if they could've known that beforehand, maybe it would've all been OK. I told Ms. Synder that when I was grown up, I would take fate into my own hands. I wouldn't let some guy drag me down. Mrs. Synder said I'd be lucky if I ever had that kind of passion with someone, and if I did, we would be together forever. Even now I believe for the most part, love is about choices. It's about putting down the poison and the dagger and making your own happy ending, most of the time, and that sometimes despite all your best choices and all your best intentions, fate wins anyway. -GA

Sunday, March 28, 2010

You may not be ready to admit it yet...but one day, one of these days you're going to see it and then you're going to owe me the apology that I never really got. You my best friend are going to give it to me because YOU are the only person I can 100% forgive AND forget what you did enough to let you help me move on. Because YOU best friend are going to be the reason I can move on. I know it's a big responsibility but I also know you can handle it because it's your job just as it's mine to take some of the karma for the others mistakes and to pick up the pieces of the heart that you didn't break. I love you always and forever because YOU are the only other half that there is to this one. So when you see it I'll be waiting with the pieces and we can walk forward together no matter what happens.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It never ceases to amaze me how some songs you carry with you...their meanings can mean different things as time continues and you grow and you experience. Songs you used to associate with people change from person to person but there is always a point in time that when listening to a song it can instantly transport you to a time/place/person/experience. That's the beauty in music. It's universal. Find your enlightenment.

With love,

Monday, March 22, 2010


Frustrating how finding your way out of the rabbit hole is way harder than falling into it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I CANNOT BELIEVE I AM BACK TO THIS SAME SHIT AGAIN.....okay all you stupid fucking lesbian bitches who seriously cannot get your own lives. I DO NOT want to hear about Jude and Laurie or Jude or whatever Jude is doing. I am so sick of your constant updates like I actually give a shit as to what he is doing with his life. AND WHY do you possibly think that I don't already know everything you are telling me, like he's not my best friend or something? SERIOUSLY CAN YOU PLEASE JUST FUCK OFF. I am going to end up punching one of you in the face by the end of this year and I DO NOT care about jail time. I've been there before so I will GLADLY go back for punching one of you stupid mother fuckers in the face. YOU THINK A BROKEN JAW WAS BAD? ugh...just you fucking wait. Keep it up. I dare you.

Monday, March 8, 2010

All we ever do is say goodbye

I love you more than songs can say
but I can't keep running after yesterday.