Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why did you go away?

Because you pushed me when all I wanted was to be close to you and I never found my way back even when I tried so hard to be what you needed and wanted me to be.

And now you're gone from all means of seeing if your okay and I don't have to try so hard to figure out how I'm eventually going to tell you (well....who knows what I'm going to tell you, I still haven't gotten there) but all I want to say most of the time is; I still miss you and wonder how you are.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011's gunna take me a long time to find you and know that I want you too....isn't it.

Derek: "You make out with patients now?"
Meredith: "What, are you jealous?"
Derek: "I don't get jealous."
Meredith: "We had sex. Once."
Derek: "And we kissed in an elevator."
Meredith: "And we kissed in an elevator. Once."
Derek: "No, seriously. Go out with me."
Meredith: "No."
Derek: "You know, I almost died today. Yeah, I came like this close. How would you feel if I died and you didn't get a chance to go out with me?"
Meredith: "Get over yourself already."
Derek: "C’mon!"
Meredith: "It’s the chase, isn't it?"
Derek: "What?"
Meredith: "The thrill of the chase. I've been wondering to myself, why are you so hell-bent on getting me to go out with you? You know you're my boss. You know it’s against the rules. You know I keep saying no. It’s the chase."
Derek: "Well... its fun isn't it?"
Meredith: "You see! This is a game to you, but not to me. Because, unlike you, I still have something to prove."

But you did get jealous. And it was just the chase. And I still have something to prove.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

what's it for?

Omar Sharif..... Omar Sharif, Omar don't know who Omar Sharif is?

Omar Sharif......Omar Sharif, Omar don't know who Omar Sharif is???


He's the guy in Funny Girl who shows up at the stage door. He's the guy who just walks in from another world; the guy who's, who's, who's looking for my door.

Monday, June 6, 2011

If THAT isn't the truth...

hello out there

"In it, at the end, it was pointed out that one of the main characters had given up the thing she loved the most because giving it up meant keeping it beautiful and right." -Peaches

I like to think about you when I read this because it makes it easier when those waves of wonder wash over me to think of why it was so easy for you to forget about me. Why it was so easy for you to let go of me.