Tuesday, July 3, 2007

hey everyone!

So, we have now arrived in Belgium. Once again the key board is very different from the US´s, which is ver ver annoying but i will do my best. We spend two days in Amsterdam, filling them with the Van Gogh Museum, The Dam, The red light district, The Ann Frank House ( WHERE I SAW STEVEN TYLER IN PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and of course the pot and shroom shops. So, i know your all dying to hear, STEVEN TYLER is actually a ver ver cool person, hes ver lax and dad actually had a small convo with him in the gents room. We did get some pics and i tried to get one but its all burry cuz i was so excited i couldnt hold the camera still. Anywayz AMsterdam waz ver ver cool, and now i have to go shopping in Belgium.
so, ttyl,

Thursday, June 28, 2007

we've seen our share of Iceland and we're more than ready to be moving on to the next place, AMSTERDAM! But before I get into all the fun in Amsterdam, I'll talk about all the exciting things that we've done here in Iceland. While here we've seen the midnight sun, or the sun at midnight. (told you it was light here all the time!) We've also seen puffins, as well as kayaked in the ocean, and swam in some of the natural springs that they seem to have lying all over this fabulous country. Today we're packing up our bags, doing laundry, and going swimming in the town pool. Tomarrow, we have a big day ahead of us with driving back to Rakavick, and checking out the country's guizer and swimming in Icelands main attraction ''Blue Lagoon'', a huge natural spa. After that, we'll be taking our staurday 7:55am flight out of Iceland to Amsterdam, which is going to be an experience in it's self. In Amsterdam, prositution, and Marijuana have both been legalized. So, we'll have to hold on tight to our childrens hands, cover their eyes, and hope we don't get too wrapped up in all the excitement of Amsterdam. BTW, do not think that the only attraction for people to Amsterdam is all the normally illegal scandals going on, although it is to be said that Amsterdam is a better place for imigrants to come and find a job, unlike the oh so wonderful U.S.; no Amsterdam is alsoknown for their truely beautiful achitecture, which those who know me, know that do I appreciate. So it should be a very exciting next few days, and I'll talk to you all if i can pull myself away from all the excitement.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

So, we're finally arrived here in Iceland. And now I can personally verify for you all that it's a huge island of mountainous wasteland. There are absolutely NO TREES in the entire country! It's beautiful none the less. Our house is right on the ocean although it's unfortunate that the water is so cold, or I would have already gone for a dip. But, no we arrived here and got groceries about 2 hours away from our house. BTW, you have to pay 25 cents for every plastic bag you get here. I guess that's their way of saving the world from global warming. Anyway, the car ride from the airport to our humble abode (in the middle of no-mans land) was exactly 4 and 1/2 hours. Yep, so I slept most of the way, but I also got some pretty amazing pictures too. I also learned that this (Iceland) is where the astronauts from NASA train for the moon, because iceland is the closest atmosphere like place to the moon that we have here on earth. Well, I have to go to bed now, even though it's as bright out as the middle of the day. so good night, and i'll be keeping you updated.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

"All the Architects of fate,
are living in these walls of life.
So, look not mornfully into the past,
for it comes not back again."
-Henry Longfellow
Hey everyone,

So, I'll be going to Europe for two whole months with my family, starting tomarrow. Our plane leaves at 9:30pm. I'm really excited about this summer. I plan on seeing a lot of amazing things, visiting places with a lot of culture, and just basically having the summer of my life. Well, I guess I'll have more to say once we finally get there. The first place to visit will be Iceland. They say that the temperature is going to be in the 50's during the days and should hit about 30's in the evening. Although it's going to be this cold, the people who are house exchanging with us told us to bring our bathingsuits. I guess there are natural springs there that we'll be going in. Should be very exciting. Well, I'll keep you all in touch with my trip as much as I can. Talk to you in ICELAND!
With love,