Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hey everyone,

So, I'll be going to Europe for two whole months with my family, starting tomarrow. Our plane leaves at 9:30pm. I'm really excited about this summer. I plan on seeing a lot of amazing things, visiting places with a lot of culture, and just basically having the summer of my life. Well, I guess I'll have more to say once we finally get there. The first place to visit will be Iceland. They say that the temperature is going to be in the 50's during the days and should hit about 30's in the evening. Although it's going to be this cold, the people who are house exchanging with us told us to bring our bathingsuits. I guess there are natural springs there that we'll be going in. Should be very exciting. Well, I'll keep you all in touch with my trip as much as I can. Talk to you in ICELAND!
With love,