Sunday, September 13, 2009

I understand now. I understand now that we left. No, not only did we leave but we left you behind, after we broke you. So you had to pick up the pieces and but in picking up the broken pieces and learning how to put them back together you put them together wrong. The reason you put them together wrong was because your three best friends left you alone to put yourself back together instead of helping you glue those pieces back together for good. We all made a lot of mistakes last year. Things happened and shit most definitely hit the fan. But instead of trusting each other and ourselves as a whole, we fought each of our battles individually and lost each and every one. I understand now that you are put together wrong you never put your heart back in at all. You figured if it was never put back in, it could never trust again, therefore you would never have the fear of getting it broken again. I am so much more than sorry that you felt like we weren't there for you. Like you couldn't call to us. Because the truth is, is that we were all always there. Mad or not, had you called for us each of us would have been at your side within moments of your call. Laura, you are not the only person who fell apart and needs a proper putting back together. EACH and ALL of us has hit our breaking point and its DAMN GOOD that we have found each other again. It is extremely important that we learn to trust and love one another wholly for without each other we are nothing but wandering souls searching for something we are too stubborn and to scared to let happen. I love each and every one of you in so many different ways and forms and with different eyes that I can see no one else but the three of you and Kelly as my friends till the world fucking ends. It was no lie when I said I would be here for each of you until I died. I may not have physically been there at every time of need, and I can't promise I will be, but please do remember that you are still the people that I will kill and die for. That is something that will NEVER change, no matter what mistakes anyone of us makes. So I am sorry for the lost that you have endured, because loosing ones self is harder to loose and an ever harder thing to get back in this world than anything else. Lucky for you, you have three best friends ready and willing to help you at pretty much all costs as I believe each of us has individually proven 0ver time. So you may not trust us exactly 100% but there will come a time when we may all be full and whole and together again and we will be different people, but because I know us and I believe in us and who each of us is, I have no fear and no doubt as to what our futures hold. Because every single future I see has the four of us in it. Together. Friends. Happy. Forever.

