Tuesday, April 27, 2010


It can be good and it can be bad, or it can be indifferent. Sometimes it's really great, like a great opportunity, or something that's really needed to happen. Indifferent, feels like it could have happened or not, but either way the thing is, is that nothing really happened because of it. But bad...it doesn't always mean it goes along with the negative connotation of the word bad. It could just mean that it brings out sad emotions or emotions that upset you rather than overjoy you. it's not necessarily a "BAD" change...just something more people probably wished didn't have to happen, or wish hadn't happened. Sometimes people change who they are and it seems like a great thing so you're really happy but somewhere along the way they lose who they used to be to you. That's when it's sad, because in their great change, you're the one who lost, and there's not a damn thing you can or even would do about it, because you realize even though you lost a little, they and other people gained a lot. That's irreplaceable. Someone who would give up everything they knew and loved about you, or what seems like everything, for the benefit of you and the other people you associate yourself with currently and for the millions of people you will in the future. Those people....they're the people to be, because eventually they will meet someone who they will reap the benefits of because someone loved someone enough to do what they did for someone else. Those people are so lucky, and most of the time they never even know that their friend wasn't some cruel person...they just loved them enough to let them grow.